10 Transformational Leadership Group Activities & Games

Are you looking for some transformational leadership group activities and games?

Transformational leadership involves motivating and inspiring others to achieve a shared objective and reach their fullest potential. Using this approach in the workplace helps leaders encourage teamwork and collaboration, leading to increased productivity among employees.

In this article, let’s see 10 team building activities that will help you implement transformational leadership in your workplace.

How to Apply Transformational Leadership at Your Company?

To effectively implement transformational leadership in your company, consider utilizing group activities and games. These activities can improve camaraderie among your employees and encourage them to think more innovatively.

If you want to enhance transformational leadership skills through team building games, start with simple activities that foster employee engagement.

These are activities that focus on:

  • Communication & active listening
  • Trust building
  • Collaboration
  • Creative thinking
  • Problem solving & Decision making

10 Transformational Leadership Group Activities & Games

Here are 10 transformational leadership games that you can try with your teams.

#1. Challenge the Status Quo


The Challenge the Status Quo game encourages teams to challenge pre-existing systems and come up with innovative solutions.


  • Break the participants into teams of 3-5 people each.
  • Each team should be given a current system or process to analyze.
  • Teams must brainstorm ways to improve this system or process and present their ideas to the rest of the group.
  • The team whose system or process has been most improved will be declared the winner.

Skills to Develop

Using this activity, employees can develop skills such as creativity, communication, and problem-solving.

#2. Rapid Fire Brainstorming


Rapid Fire Brainstorming is one of the useful transformational leadership activities. It helps employees quickly come up with creative solutions to complex problems.


  • Give the group a problem to solve and set a timer for 5 minutes.
  • Ask each team member to quickly write down as many ideas as possible in the given time period.
  • Once the time is up, have each person share their ideas and discuss potential solutions with the group.
  • Facilitate collaboration by encouraging participants to build on each other’s ideas. After finding a suitable solution, the team should create a plan to put it into action.

Skills to Develop

The Rapid Fire Brainstorming game helps employees develop skills such as collaboration, rapid problem solving, and creativity.

#3. Team Mission Statement


The Team Mission Statement game helps teams come to an agreement on shared goals and values, while also helping members practice their communication and collaboration skills.


  • Have participants brainstorm ideas for a shared mission statement for the team. Encourage everyone to participate in the discussion and respect each other’s input.
  • As a group, come up with an agreed-upon mission statement that best reflects the values of your team.
  • Put together actionable items based on the mission statement and assign roles to each member.
  • Review the team’s mission statement regularly and evaluate progress on the goals set forth.
  • Celebrate successes as a team!

Skills to Develop

The Team Mission Statement game helps participants develop essential skills such as communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and negotiation.

#4. Line Up


The Line Up activity helps teams build trust and better understand their teammates.


  • Ask the employees to line up in a specific order as they wish. For example, the day of birth, the number of siblings they have, etc.
  • Have each participant explain why they chose that particular order.
  • Afterward, allow everyone to socialize with their coworkers in order to better acquaint themselves. This can involve either asking questions or sharing personal anecdotes.

Skills to Develop

The Line Up activity encourages participants to learn more about each other, build trust, and practice active listening.

#5. Role-Playing Scenarios


The Role-Playing Scenarios game helps teams understand how to handle different situations through practice and observation.


  • Have each participant create a scenario that could occur in the workplace.
  • Assign roles to each participant and give them time to prepare their responses for the assigned role.
  • Have participants practice the scenarios in groups or as a whole.
  • After each role-play, have participants discuss how they might handle the situation differently.
  • Encourage members to provide feedback to each other and build on their ideas.

Skills to Develop

The Role-Playing Scenarios game helps participants develop essential skills such as communication, collaboration, problem solving, and critical thinking.

#6. Desert Survival


The Desert Survival activity helps teams work together to make decisions and prioritize resources in a limited environment.


  • Divide participants into teams of 4-5 members each.
  • Instruct them to assume that they are stranded on the desert island. Then, give them a list of around 10 items they can use on the island like food, water, etc.
  • Have participants discuss the merits of each item/resource in turn until everyone agrees on a strategy for survival.
  • Allow time for participants to create a plan and set priorities for how they will use their resources.

Skills to Develop

The Desert Survival activity helps employees hone their problem-solving, communication, collaboration, and decision-making skills. ​

#7. Group Storytelling


The Group Storytelling game helps participants to work together to create a story and build relationships through collaboration and creative thinking.


  • Ask each participant to write down an individual sentence related to a theme or topic.
  • Have each person share their sentence and ask the next participant to come up with the following sentence to continue the story.
  • Continue passing the story around until all participants have had a chance to contribute and build off one another’s sentences.
  • As a group, discuss the story and relate it to a real-world example.

Skills to Develop

The Group Storytelling game helps participants develop their communication, collaboration, and creative thinking skills.

#8. Role Model


The Role Model game helps participants to focus on positive leadership traits and apply them to different scenarios and contexts.


  • Divide the group into pairs or small groups and provide each pair/group with a scenario.
  • Ask participants to discuss how they would respond using positive leadership traits such as respect and empathy.
  • Once each pair/group has discussed their response, have them present it to the rest of the group.
  • Encourage the group to ask questions and offer additional feedback.

Skills to Develop

The Role Model game helps employees develop their problem-solving, communication, and leadership skills.

#9. Superhero Leadership


The Superhero Leadership game helps participants to think creatively and develop strategies for problem-solving while emulating superhero qualities such as courage, tenacity, and intelligence.


  • Divide the group into smaller teams and provide each team with a challenge or problem to solve.
  • Ask participants to come up with an original solution using superhero qualities such as courage, tenacity, and intelligence.
  • Have each team present their solution to the rest of the group.
  • Encourage the group to ask questions and offer additional feedback.

Skills to Develop

The Superhero Leadership game helps participants develop their creativity, problem-solving, communication, and leadership skills.

#10. Group Drawing


The objective of this activity is to encourage collaboration and build trust among a group of participants.


  • Divide the group into smaller teams.
  • Provide each team with paper, pens, and markers.
  • Ask everyone to draw a picture together, using only the materials given to them.

Skills to Develop

This exercise helps build trust among coworkers. Moreover, they can develop skills such as problem-solving, creativity, and communication.

Want Some Unique Team Building Activities?

If you want to transform your workplace with some unique team building activities, you can get my new e-book:

The Busy Leader’s Guide of Unique Team Building Activities: 30 Fully Customizable Exercises That You Can Conduct with Any Group of Employees, Anywhere

Or Want Some Unique Leadership Development Activities?

If you want some unique activities to equip your employees with leadership skills, qualities, and mindset, you can get my new e-book:

The Empowering Guide of Unique Leadership Development Activities: 100 Fully Customizable Exercises That You Can Conduct with Any Group of Employees, Anywhere

Final Words

By adding a few transformational leadership activities into your group’s routine, you can foster stronger relationships and build an environment of trust. Moreover, you can create an environment where individuals are motivated to reach their fullest potential. So, don’t hesitate to incorporate these activities into your company culture. The result? A stronger, more productive team that is better equipped to take on the challenges ahead!

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