Top 20 Team Meeting Energizers in 2025

Are you in search of some team meeting energizers?

Holding regular meetings can keep your employees engaged and motivated. However, they can often be dull and uninspiring. So, your employees might find it hard to stay focused. That’s why you need to try some energizers.

These activities can help you boost morale, foster team bonding, and inject some much-needed enthusiasm into the meeting atmosphere.

In this article, let’s see the top 20 energizers that can help you liven up your team meetings. Also, you can try them during training sessions and office hours depending on your wish.

Top 20 Team Meeting Energizers

A Quick Note Before You Start

It would be better to choose an energizer that aligns with your meeting objectives. For instance, your objective is to solve a problem in the workplace. Then, you can choose an energizer that encourages creative thinking and brainstorming. This will ensure that you are getting maximum value from your team meeting while having fun.


So, let’s get started!

Here are some of the best energizers for team meetings.

#1. Power Pose

In this exercise, participants stand in a power pose to boost their confidence and energy.

Time: 2 minutes

Materials: None

Participants: All the employees


  • Initially, ask everyone to stand up and take a few deep breaths.
  • Give them two minutes to stand in a power pose such as spreading their arms out to each side or standing tall with their shoulders back.
  • Let them focus on how the power pose makes them feel.
  • End the exercise by requesting everyone to sit down again.

#2. Ho-Ho Ha-Ha-Ha

Just like its name, this is one of the funniest team meeting energizers. It can help reduce stress and create a joyful mood among your employees.

Time: 2 minutes

Materials: None

Participants: All the employees


  • Let all the participants stand up.
  • Ask them to say “Ho-Ho Ha-Ha-Ha”. While saying this, they should jump and clap 5 times to the rhythm.
  • Say “start” and let them do it together 3 times.

#3. Appreciation Circle

This is a simple activity that will help your employees appreciate each other and strengthen the team spirit.

Time: You decide

Materials: None

Participants: All the employees


  • Instruct everyone to sit in a circle.
  • Now, ask each person to take turns sharing one thing they appreciate about the meeting or their colleagues.
  • Encourage them to express their appreciation in whatever way they are most comfortable with.
  • Finally, thank everyone for their contributions and express your appreciation.

#4. 3-Minute Mindfulness

This is one of the amazing energizers for team meetings. It helps your employees become more mindful and present.

Time: 3 minutes

Materials: None

Participants: All the employees


  • Request the participants to close their eyes and take a few deep breaths.
  • Ask them to focus on the present moment and become aware of their body, mind, and emotions.
  • Finally, request the participants to open their eyes and become aware of their surroundings.

#5. Walking Meeting

This exercise helps your employees get some fresh air and move around. Also, it can be an excellent opportunity to brainstorm in an informal setting.

Time: You decide

Materials: None

Participants: All the employees (optional)


  • Invite the employees to join you on a walk outside the office.
  • Talk about the topics you need to discuss during your meeting while walking around.
  • Ask for everyone’s input and take notes as needed.
  • Enjoy the fresh air, and be sure to wrap up the meeting by thanking everyone for their participation.

#6. The Star

The Star is an energizer that encourages participants to take a moment and reflect on the meeting. It not only helps ensure everyone is engaged but also allows for feedback that can be put into action!

Time: You decide

Materials: None

Participants: Everyone in the meeting


  • Ask each participant to share one thing they liked most about the meeting and one thing they think could be improved.
  • Then, facilitate a discussion among the group, providing space for everyone to express their opinions without judgment.
  • Take note of all feedback, and if possible, implement any suggestions that can be helpful.

#7. The Life Map

In this exercise, employees can better understand each other’s life experiences and build trust in the group.

Time: 10-20 minutes

Materials: Paper and writing utensils for each participant

Participants: All the employees


  • Initially, instruct each person to draw a map of their personal growth on a piece of paper.
  • Now, invite them to share their life map with the rest of the group.
  • Then, let everyone provide constructive feedback and ask questions about the maps.
  • Encourage team members to listen actively, show respect for all stories, and support each other in their growth journeys.

#8. Pass the Parcel

This is one of the fantastic team meeting energizers that encourages participation and collaboration among employees!

Time: 5 minutes

Materials: A parcel with a surprise item inside

Participants: 4-10 people in a group


  • Have each group sit in a circle of chairs.
  • Pass the parcel around the circle with music playing, and when the music stops, the person holding the parcel unwraps one layer of wrapping paper.
  • The last person to finish unwrapping gets to keep the item inside.
  • When the game is over, discuss what they learned from the experience.

#9. Movement Break

Movement Break helps to improve focus and energy levels, making the employees more productive.

Time: 5-10 minutes

Materials: Music and some space to move around in

Participants: All the employees


  • Instruct the teams to stand up and turn on some fun music.
  • Encourage them to dance and move around the room.
  • Remind the teams to be respectful of each other’s space.
  • Finish up with a few deep breaths and take a seat.

#10. Doodle Together

This energizer activity encourages employees to think creatively, work together, and practice active listening.

Time: You decide

Materials: Paper and writing utensils

Participants: All the employees


  • Divide the employees into pairs or small groups of three. Give each pair a piece of paper and a writing utensil.
  • Ask each group to come up with a topic for their drawing related to the meeting.
  • Instruct them to collaboratively draw the topic with each person adding their touch. Encourage discussion and idea-sharing as they draw, enhancing the creative process.
  • Once finished, have each group share their creations with the others.

#11. Comedy Minute

If you want to add some laughs to your team meeting, this energizer is perfect. It also helps build strong relationships among coworkers.

Time: You decide

Materials: None

Participants: All the employees


  • Ask each person to come up with the funniest joke they can think of within a one-minute time frame.
  • Go around the room and allow each person to tell their joke.
  • After all of the participants have told their jokes, have everyone vote on which one they found the funniest!

#12. Freeze Frame

This is one of the funniest energizers for team meetings. It helps participants to stay alert and engaged during the meeting.

Time: 5-10 minutes

Materials: None

Participants: All the employees


  • Request everyone to stand up and keep their eyes open.
  • Shout “Freeze Frame” at different intervals and participants must stay frozen in place for a few seconds.
  • End the activity with everyone taking a deep breath and sitting down.

#13. Name That Song

Name That Song is a nice energizer that can build team camaraderie and encourage collaboration.

Time: You decide

Materials: Music player

Participants: Exactly two groups


  • First off, split the participants into two groups.
  • Now, choose a few popular songs and play each song for a few seconds.
  • Then, each group can state the song title and the name of the artist.
  • Give one point to the group that guesses correctly, and the first group to reach five points wins.
  • Finally, provide a prize to the winner.

#14. Draw the Problem

This energizer encourages creative thinking and helps everyone to come up with new solutions.

Time: You decide

Materials: Paper and pen

Participants: 4-8 people per group


  • Instruct the groups to draw a picture of the problem they are facing at work. For this, give them paper and pens.
  • Have each group share their drawing and explain it.
  • Now, ask them to have a discussion and draw a solution on paper.
  • Finally, review each solution.

#15. Famous Names

This activity gets participants working together to come up with creative and unique names in a fun way.

Time: You decide

Materials: None

Participants: Less than 10 members per group


  • First, instruct one member of each group to say any famous name (for example, Albert Einstein).
  • Now, have the person next to them come up with a new famous name related to the first one (in this case, Einstein would be followed by Stephen Hawking).
  • Continue until all group members have had their turn.
  • Keep track of how many correct guesses you get before repeating names or running out of ideas. Have fun!

#16. Impromptu Pitch

This is one of the interesting team meeting energizers that requires employees to practice public speaking. It helps them sharpen their presentation skills while having fun.

Time: Around 10 minutes

Materials: A timer

Participants: 3-6 people in a group


  • Assign each person a random topic. It could be anything like “the benefits of searching for jobs online” or “the importance of learning a new language”.
  • Set the timer for 90 seconds and have each person deliver their pitch on the chosen topic in front of their group.
  • Finally, let each group say who came up with the best presentation.

#17. Starting and Stopping

This energizer is a great way to get the conversation flowing and help group members think on their feet.

Time: 5-10 minutes

Materials: None

Participants: Upto 10 members per group


  • Initially, ask each group member a question, and they must answer it as quickly as possible. The questions should be related to their work such as “What do you find most challenging about your job?” or “What do you think is the most important skill for success in your role?”
  • Have each person take turns answering the questions.
  • Finally, discuss the answers and how they apply to the group’s goals.

#18. Peer Interview

This energizer helps team members to get to know each other better. It also encourages collaboration and sharing of ideas.

Time: You decide

Materials: None

Participants: 2 people per group


  • First off, divide the participants into pairs.
  • Now, have each pair interview each other about their work, interests, and hobbies.
  • Then, each person should share something interesting they learned about the other during the interview. The goal is to get to know each other better and work together on team projects in a more collaborative manner.

#19. Best 20 Seconds

This energizer is a great way to lift your team’s spirits and encourage them to focus on the positive things that happened during the week. It also allows employees to recognize each other’s accomplishments and successes.

Time: 5-10 minutes

Materials: None

Participants: Small groups of 2-5 people


  • Encourage each group member to share their best 20 seconds of the week. This could be anything from a moment of success at work or something special that happened personally such as spending time with family.
  • Now, let each person take turns doing this. Encourage everyone to be positive and focus on the good things that happened during the week.
  • Once each person shared their best moment, encourage the group to show appreciation by applauding or greeting. This will help lift team morale and foster a sense of camaraderie.

#20. Sensory Break

This activity encourages employees to take a break and share their favorite sounds or visuals.

Time: You decide

Materials: None

Participants: Small groups of less than 10 members


  • Ask each group member to share their favorite sound or visual. It could be anything from the chirping of a bird to their favorite painting.
  • Allow the members to take turns and share their favorites. Encourage everyone to think outside the box and share something unique.
  • Finally, each person can explain why they chose that particular sound or visual.

Want Some Unique Team Building Activities?

If you want some unique activities for team meetings or training sessions, you can get my new e-book:

The Busy Leader’s Guide of Unique Team Building Activities: 30 Fully Customizable Exercises That You Can Conduct with Any Group of Employees, Anywhere

Or Want Some Unique Leadership Development Activities?

If you want some unique activities (both in-person and virtual) to make your employees including managers better leaders, you can get my new e-book:

The Empowering Guide of Unique Leadership Development Activities: 100 Fully Customizable Exercises That You Can Conduct with Any Group of Employees, Anywhere

Final Words

Team meetings can be tedious and unengaging. However, you can liven up the room with some good activities. The above 20 team meeting energizers are simple and proven to keep your employees focused. With a little creativity, you can modify these activities to match your company’s culture and team values. So, give them a try today!

FAQ: Team Meeting Energizers

You might have these questions in mind.

What are team meeting energizers?

These are short activities that can be used to increase energy, engagement, and productivity in a team meeting. Some examples of team meeting energizers include icebreakers, collaborative projects, role-playing scenarios, and more.

What are the benefits of using energizers during team meetings?

Energizers in team meetings offer multiple benefits. Firstly, they foster a more engaging and interactive environment, promoting open communication and team bonding. Secondly, they help rejuvenate the team, boosting their overall energy and productivity levels. Lastly, they can help to reduce stress and fatigue, making the meeting more enjoyable for everyone involved.

What are some good energizers for team meetings?

Some of the good energizers include Power Pose, The Life Map, Freeze Frame, etc. Ultimately, the best energizers are those that are chosen with the specific group and meeting objectives in mind. So, ensure that the energizer you choose aligns with the purpose of the team meeting.

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