10 Soft Skills Team Building Activities (With Debrief)

Are you in search of some soft skills team building activities?

Soft skills play a pivotal role in a team’s success. Enhancing these skills can foster a more harmonious, efficient, and resilient workplace. In this article, we will discuss 10 exercises that can improve the soft skills of your teams.

The Main Soft Skills for Effective Teamwork

Soft skills, which include traits and interpersonal skills, play a crucial role in fostering effective team dynamics. They are responsible for how employees interact with one another and handle their tasks. With strong skills, a team can overcome obstacles and achieve its objectives more efficiently.

So, let’s see some of the main soft skills for effective teamwork.


Clear communication is essential for teams to remain productive. Team members should be able to effectively communicate their ideas as well as provide feedback when necessary.


Effective teams should trust one another. Also, they should feel comfortable sharing ideas, successes, and failures. This requires an atmosphere of respect and support.


Teams should be able to adjust quickly to changes in their environment or workloads. This includes being open-minded and embracing diversity of thought.

Problem Solving:

Teams should be able to think critically and come up with creative solutions to any problems they may encounter. This requires active listening, constructive criticism, and an open-minded attitude.

Decision Making:

When faced with a difficult decision, teams should be able to come together and decide on the best course of action. This is key for any group that wants to stay productive.


Teams should be able to plan ahead and establish a timeline for their projects. This requires effective organization, goal-setting, and time management skills.


To stay competitive, teams should be able to come up with fresh ideas and innovative solutions. This requires thinking outside the box and coming up with creative solutions that may not have been thought of before.

Team synergy is the result of a combination of the above skills. It’s when groups are able to combine their strengths and talents to create something greater than the sum of their parts. To achieve this, they need to be cohesive, productive, and motivated. By creating an environment based on trust and respect, they can achieve their full potential.

10 Soft Skills Team Building Activities

Here are 10 team building activities that can improve the soft skills of your employees. So, they can reach their full potential.

#1. The 3-2-1 Exercise

In this activity, employees share interesting facts about themselves and communicate better.

Soft Skills to Develop: Active Listening and Communication

Time: 10-15 minutes

Materials: None

Participants: 4 or more people per group


  • One person starts by introducing themselves and sharing three facts about themselves; two strengths and one area of improvement.
  • Then, the next person repeats back what the first said before adding their own 3-2-1 introduction.
  • This continues until everyone has had a chance to introduce themselves.


Ask the participants to reflect on how they felt when listening and speaking. Discuss any challenges that arose during the activity. Explain how active listening can be beneficial in the workplace and beyond.

#2. Collaborative Storytelling

This activity encourages employees to develop a story by utilizing their creative and collaborative abilities.

Soft Skills to Develop: Creative Thinking and Trust Building

Time: 10-15 minutes

Materials: Paper and pens

Participants: 4 or more members in a group


  • Each group member takes turns writing down one sentence of a story on the paper.
  • When everyone is done, the group reads through the story as a whole.
  • Ask for ideas on what could happen next, take suggestions from the participants, and encourage creative thinking.


Discuss what went well and the challenges each group faced. Talk about how everyone’s contributions were valuable, and how trust played a part in the process. Celebrate success!

#3. Back-to-Back Drawing

This exercise requires employees to draw a picture without actually seeing it by relying on their partner’s input.

Soft Skills to Develop: Communication, Listening, and Trust Building

Time: 10-15 minutes

Materials: A picture, paper, and pencils

Participants: Pairs


  • Have the pairs of participants sit back-to-back. Give one partner a sheet of paper and a pen.
  • Then, provide the other partner with a picture and have them give instructions on how to draw it. The person drawing must not be able to see the picture.
  • Once done, each pair can compare drawings. Discuss what worked well and what could have gone better in terms of communication between partners.


Discuss the importance of communication and listening in this exercise. Ask each pair how they handled challenges, and celebrate successes! Talk about how trust was key to the activity and how it can be applied outside of team building.

#4. The “What-If” Scenario

This exercise asks employees to think critically about potential scenarios and how they would respond to them.

Soft Skills to Develop: Problem-solving, Critical Thinking and Adaptability

Time: 15-20 minutes

Materials: Whiteboard/paper, pens/markers

Participants: 3-8 individuals per group


  • Choose a scenario (a natural disaster, a pandemic, etc.) and have the team brainstorm potential responses. Ask them to think about short-term solutions as well as long-term strategies for preventing similar events in the future.
  • Encourage the team to consider both the physical and emotional effects of this event on the community. Then, they should develop a plan of action that addresses all aspects of it.


Discuss what worked well and what could be improved upon. Encourage team members to share their ideas and provide constructive feedback to one another. Talk about how collaboration can help to create innovative solutions.

#5. The “Future Planning”

This activity requires employees to come up with creative solutions for anticipated future obstacles. It can help improve out-of-the-box thinking and develop the team’s flexibility in responding to unexpected changes.

Soft Skills to Develop: Flexibility, Creativity, and Planning

Time: 15-20 minutes

Materials: Whiteboard/paper, and pens/markers

Participants: 3-6 people in a group


  • Split the participants into small groups.
  • Ask each group to come up with a plan for dealing with a future issue. The issues should be relevant to the organization, such as increased competition in the market, new technology, or changes in customer tastes.
  • After that, have them present their plans to the other groups.
  • Discuss the different approaches taken by each group. Encourage the group members to challenge one another’s assumptions and refine their solutions.


Talk about the different ways teams can approach future planning and how to effectively collaborate on complex issues. Encourage team members to take risks when developing ideas and be open to feedback from others. Discuss what a successful “future plan” looks like, and how it can help an organization stay ahead of its competition.

#6. Scavenger Hunt

This activity encourages collaboration in an environment that is both fun and exciting. It is one of the best soft skills team building activities.

Soft Skills to Develop: Collaboration, and Problem-Solving

Time: 10-20 minutes

Materials: A list of items to find

Participants: 3-8 individuals per group


  • Split the participants into smaller groups.
  • Give each group a list of items to find. For instance, common objects from around the office or the ones that are related to the organization’s mission.
  • The group members should work together to find all of the items on their list within the allotted time.
  • The first group to find all of the items on their list is the winner.


Discuss different problem-solving approaches that each group used to find their items and how team synergy enabled them to achieve their goal. Talk about how teams had to communicate and collaborate in order to be successful.

#7. Adaptability Arena

This activity encourages employees to adapt and understand different perspectives. It also helps them practice their problem-solving skills.

Soft Skills to Develop: Adaptability, Perspective Taking, and Problem-Solving

Time: 15-20 minutes

Materials: Paper and pen

Participants: At least 4 people in a group


  • Have each team form a circle. One of the team members can act as a volunteer and they can stand in the middle of the circle.
  • Ask the volunteer to think of a problem or situation and explain it in 1-2 sentences. For example, “There is an important meeting in 30 minutes and there are not enough chairs.”
  • Each team member will now take turns in the middle and solve the problem or situation by giving advice.
  • Finally, discuss how they solved the problem or situation differently and give feedback on their solutions.


Discuss how the team adapted to different perspectives and problem-solving approaches. Examine how each team member took into account the opinions of others when solving the problem or situation. Also, talk about why it is important to be open-minded with different approaches for better results.

#8. Decision Makers United

This activity promotes leadership and collaboration among employees by dealing with a real-life scenario.

Soft Skills to Develop: Decision-Making, Communication, and Leadership

Time: You decide

Materials: Paper and pen

Participants: At least 4 people


  • Split the participants into teams.
  • Give each team a scenario to discuss and make a decision on. For example, teams may have to decide how best to manage a customer complaint.
  • Explain that the goal is to come up with the best solution collectively. So, each team should focus on good communication and collaboration skills.
  • Allow them enough time to discuss and make a decision before ending the activity.


Discuss how each team made their decisions and what strategies were used to reach a consensus. Analyze the importance of active listening, understanding different points of view, and working together effectively. Identify how the teams could have improved their decision-making process and communication skills.

#9. Brain Blast

This activity encourages out-of-the-box thinking among employees by presenting a topic.

Soft Skills to Develop: Creative Thinking, Problem-Solving & Collaboration

Time: You decide

Materials: Paper and pen

Participants: Any number of people in a group


  • Explain to the groups that brainstorming is a fun, creative way to generate new ideas and think outside the box.
  • Give each group a topic and ask everyone to write down their unique ideas related to it. For example, if the topic is ‘Marketing Strategies’, participants should write down any marketing ideas they think of.
  • Allow everyone enough time to brainstorm and come up with creative ideas.
  • Once they have finished, encourage them to share their ideas in a group discussion.


Discuss how the activity went and what interesting ideas were generated. Analyze the importance of creativity in problem solving and working together as a team. Identify the ways that participants can use this creative thinking in their day-to-day life.

#10. Team Mural

In this activity, employees create a mural as a team. It promotes collaboration and creative expression.

Soft Skills to Develop: Creativity, Collaboration, and Working Together

Time: You decide

Materials: Drawing materials like large sheets of paper, paints, brushes, etc.

Participants: 3-6 members in a group


  • Divide the participants into teams. Have them come up with a concept for a mural that expresses their team identity, values, and goals.
  • Give each team a large sheet of paper to sketch out the idea and materials to create it (paints, brushes, etc.).
  • Allow them time to discuss, assign roles/tasks, and exchange ideas.
  • When finished, hang the mural up in a visible place and give feedback/congratulations.


Discuss the importance of collaboration and creative expression, particularly in teams. Talk about how sharing ideas can lead to innovative solutions and how working together is essential for success. Reflect on what strategies allowed everyone to contribute their skills and natural talents.

Want Some Unique Leadership Development Activities?

If you want some unique activities to equip your employees with leadership skills, qualities, and mindset, you can get my new e-book:

The Empowering Guide of Unique Leadership Development Activities: 100 Fully Customizable Exercises That You Can Conduct with Any Group of Employees, Anywhere

Or Want Some Unique Team Building Activities?

If you want some unique activities for your employees (both in-person and virtual), you can get my new e-book:

The Busy Leader’s Guide of Unique Team Building Activities: 30 Fully Customizable Exercises That You Can Conduct with Any Group of Employees, Anywhere

Final Words

In conclusion, experiential learning activities are a highly effective way to enhance group synergy and performance. By incorporating these activities into your workplace, you can improve communication, teamwork, and productivity. Remember, soft skills are just as important as technical skills and should not be overlooked in any team dynamic.

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