12 Fun Team Building Activities for Conference Calls

Would you like to conduct some fun team building activities during conference calls?

With the arrival of the Covid pandemic, many businesses switched to remote working culture. So, conducting team meetings through conference calls becomes a necessity for business leaders and managers.

As a business leader, you might want some fun activities to engage your remote employees. Well, here are 12 fun team building activities for conference calls.

If you want to know how you can conduct team building activities, you can read this article for inspiration: How to Facilitate Team Building Activities in Your Workplace?

So, let’s get started!

12 Fun Team Building Activities for Conference Calls

Before you start, make sure that everyone has video conferencing software like Google Meet, Zoom, etc.

Usually, these conference call activities work for any number of remote employees. However, if you have a very large group, make sure that you divide them into small teams.

#1. Ask the CEO

Duration: You decide

Number of Participants: Any

This activity helps your remote employees to have a better understanding of the company and align with its culture. Here the employees take the role of a CEO, so they get a chance to view things from different perspectives.  

How to play?

  • Initially, ask one of the employees to act as the CEO. Similarly, others should act as subordinates.
  • Now, let each subordinate ask questions to the CEO. Then, the CEO should answer these questions from a leader’s perspective.
  • Repeat this activity by switching roles. You can conduct 3-5 rounds depending on your time.

#2. Company Spokesperson 

Duration: Around 10 minutes

Group size: Up to 10

If you’re looking for a conference call activity that can improve creativity and communication skills, you can try this one. In this activity, each employee should act as a spokesperson who introduces the company’s product or service.

How to play?

  • First, explain the features and benefits of a product (or service). This can be a product or service that your company currently offers or wants to offer in the future.
  • Now, invite each participant to act as a spokesperson who introduces this product in front of the customers. Then, they can act out an ad in 30 seconds to describe the product.

#3. Health is Wealth

Duration: Around 5 minutes

Number of Participants: Any

This conference call game encourages your virtual employees to stay healthy and energetic. With this activity, employees will be able to reduce stress while having fun.

How to play? 

  • At first, have one of the remote employees do an exercise. It can be a yoga posture, a workout step, or even a dance step.
  • Now, instruct all the other members to do it together. If you have enough time, feel free to do multiple rounds.

#4. Lip Reading

Duration: Around 10 minutes

Number of participants: Any 

This is a fun activity that improves the communication and listening skills of your remote workers. In this activity, your staff should guess the unclear message from their colleagues.

How to play?

  • At the start, one of the teammates should turn off his mike and say something. He can say a single word or two words.
  • Then, let the other members guess what he said. Now, each member should tell their answer.
  • Finally, see how many people gave the right answer.

#5. Live Story

Duration: You decide

Group size: Maximum 20 

If you’re looking for a conference call game that improves collaboration and creativity, go for this one. In this activity, the team members should create a brand-new story by including themselves as characters.   

How to play? 

  • Initially, have someone to start a story. He can simply start with one or two sentences in which one of the teammates is a character.
  • Then, the next person should continue it by adding another teammate as a character.
  • This continues until all the teammates are covered and a climax is reached.

#6. Quick Brainstorming

Duration: Less than 15 minutes

Group size: Less than 10

This exercise focuses on problem-solving through collaboration. In this exercise, the employees should quickly brainstorm some ideas on a given topic.

How to play?

  • Initially, present a topic to your remote workers. It can be something related to your business or anything else. For example: how to acquire more customers in the next 3 months?
  • Then, ask them to brainstorm and come up with a few practical ideas. Give them some time for doing this, say 5 minutes.
  • Finally, they can share their ideas.

#7. Song Composition

Duration: Around 10 minutes

Group size: Less than 12 

If you want to make your video conference calls fun as well as engaging, try this exercise. Here the employees should work together to compose a unique song.  


  • Initially, ask your virtual staff to compose a new song.
  • One of the individuals should start with a line. Then, the next person sings another line. Make sure that everyone writes each line on a paper piece.
  • This continues until everyone has participated. Then, everyone can decide on a title for the song and sing the song together. 

#8. Superficial Quiz

Duration: You decide

Number of Participants: Any 

This is one of the fun team building activities that can break the ice. In this activity, your virtual employees should answer a superficial question.


  • Start by asking a superficial question like: where would you like to live other than earth?
  • One of the individuals can answer it and state the reason for his answer.
  • Then, another person should answer it with his reason. This process continues until all the members are answered.

#9. Team Logo

Duration: You decide

Number of participants: Any 

This is one of the fun activities that will promote creativity and teamwork. Here the members should come up with unique logo ideas for their team. 


  • At first, instruct the employees to come up with a new logo for their team.
  • Then, each individual can draw a logo on a paper sheet and show it to everyone.
  • Finally, ask all the members to discuss and choose the best logo. They can also come up with a slogan for their team.

#10. The Truth Finder   

Duration: 5-15 minutes

Group size: Less than 20 

This is a variation of the popular team building activity called Two truths and a lie. Here you need to do just the opposite – that means, finding the truth instead of the lie.

How to play?

  • Start by instructing each participant to tell three statements about themselves – one truth and two lies.
  • Now, the rest of the members should find which one is the truth. Here each person can have his turn.
  • Finally, see who guessed it correctly.

#11. Virtual Tour

Duration: Around 10 minutes

Group size: Maximum 20 

If you want to make your conference calls interesting, try this one. This activity helps everyone to understand more about the working environment of their colleagues. 

How to play? 

  • Start by inviting each individual to take their colleagues on a quick virtual tour.
  • They can do this by showing how their virtual workplace is arranged. Moreover, they can show their pets, or introduce some of their family members.
  • Set a time limit for each individual and have everyone do this.

#12. Voting Hands

Duration: Approximately 5 minutes

Number of Participants: Any 

This game helps the employees understand the perspective differences among their colleagues. In this activity, the teammates can cast their votes for a debating statement.      
How to play? 

  • At first, share a debating statement with the teams. For example:

“Coffee is tastier than tea.”

“Working in the comfort of home is much better than going to the office every day.”

  • Then, ask the team members to respond to this in the following way.

Write “yes” in their hand or face if they agree.

Write “no” in their hand or face if they disagree.

  • Now, they can show it to everyone and explain the reason.

Want Some Unique Team Building Activities?

If you want some unique team building activities for your employees, you can get my new e-book:

The Busy Leader’s Guide of Unique Team Building Activities: 30 Fully Customizable Exercises That You Can Conduct with Any Group of Employees, Anywhere

Or Want Some Unique Leadership Development Activities?

If you want some unique activities to equip your employees with leadership skills, qualities, and mindset, you can get my new e-book:

The Empowering Guide of Unique Leadership Development Activities: 100 Fully Customizable Exercises That You Can Conduct with Any Group of Employees, Anywhere

Final Words

Conducting some fun activities on conference calls helps your remote employees to energize and unite. As a leader, you must make sure to keep your work-from-home employees engaged and motivated. So, the above exercises will help you fulfill that purpose.

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