10 Ethical Leadership Activities for the Workplace
Are you looking for some ethical leadership activities?
Ethical leadership is fundamental in fostering a culture of integrity and accountability in the workplace. As a leader, it is important to incorporate activities that promote moral values among your employees.
In this article, let’s see 10 effective activities to help cultivate ethical leadership within your team. These exercises will make a significant impact in shaping a positive work environment.
10 Ethical Leadership Activities for the Workplace
Here are some practical and engaging activities that will encourage ethical leadership among your teams:
#1. Values Identification Exercise
This is a reflective process where employees outline and connect their personal values to the organizational culture.
Time: 10-15 minutes
Materials: Notepads, pens, and a list of common values
Participants: Groups of 3-8 individuals
- Distribute notepads and pens. Provide each team member with a list of common values to serve as a prompt.
- Instruct each person to select and write down their top 5 personal values. Encourage them to think about why these values matter to them.
- Have each group discuss how their personal values align with the company’s values. Ask them to provide examples from their work lives where they have seen these values in action.
Identify the common values shared by the teams. Discuss how individuals can incorporate these values into their daily work and decision-making processes, promoting ethical leadership.
#2. Ethical Dilemma Discussion
This activity involves analyzing and discussing various scenarios to sharpen critical thinking and ethical decision-making skills.
Time: 15-30 minutes
Materials: Case study scenarios
Participants: Groups of 3-10 individuals
- Present a compelling ethical dilemma relevant to your industry. Ensure it’s realistic and complex enough to provoke thought.
For example, a situation where an employee must decide whether to speak up about unethical behavior they witnessed or stay silent to protect their job.
- Divide the participants into groups and ask them to discuss the dilemma. Encourage them to consider different perspectives and potential outcomes.
Reflect on the diversity of moral perspectives and their impact on decision-making. Discuss how understanding and respecting different viewpoints can lead to a more inclusive workplace.
#3. Code of Conduct Review
This activity involves reviewing and discussing the organization’s code of conduct. It promotes a better understanding of ethical standards and expectations within the workplace.
Time: 15-30 minutes
Materials: Organization’s code of conduct
Participants: Groups of any size
- Distribute copies of the organization’s code of conduct to each team member.
- Give them some time to read through the document.
- Once everyone has finished reading, gather the teams and lead a discussion on any updates or changes to the code of conduct.
- Encourage team members to ask questions and share their thoughts on the code of conduct.
Emphasize the importance of following these guidelines in creating a respectful and inclusive workplace. Remind the employees of their responsibility to report any violations of the code of conduct.
#4. Role-playing Exercise
This interactive exercise uses role-playing to help employees make fair decisions in hypothetical scenarios.
Time: You decide
Materials: Prepared scenarios
Participants: Small groups (3-6 people)
- Divide the participants into small groups, and hand them the prepared scenarios.
- Each group acts out their scenario, focusing on resolving the ethical dilemma presented. Examples of scenarios could include handling confidential information or addressing a conflict of interest.
- After each role-play, the group discusses alternate outcomes based on different decisions.
Explore the variety of fair choices made and their implications. This is a chance to reinforce the company’s values and the importance of moral behavior in the workplace.
#5. Feedback Game
This game is designed to strengthen a culture of openness and collective growth through open discussion on righteous behaviors within the team.
Time: You decide
Materials: Feedback cards
Participants: Any number of people per group
- Start by distributing feedback cards to each team.
- Each team member shares one positive ethical behavior they have noticed and one area for improvement within the team, providing specific examples.
- Facilitate a solution-oriented discussion on the feedback, focusing on actionable steps for improvement.
Reflect on the feedback’s common themes to identify strengths and areas requiring attention. It’s essential to focus on creating actionable plans for improvement and fostering an environment of continuous growth.
#6. Moral Quiz Bowl
This is a team-based quiz game focused on unraveling ethical quandaries specific to your industry, designed to blend learning with a spirit of competition. It is one of the best ethical leadership activities for the workplace.
Time: You decide
Materials: Quiz bowl, and question cards
Participants: Teams of 3-6 people
- Divide the participants into teams.
- Present ethical dilemmas through question cards, one team at a time gets to answer.
For instance, some of the questions can be:
“Your company is facing financial difficulties and considering laying off employees. How would you handle this ethically?”
“What would you do if a client asks you to falsify data?”
“How would you handle conflicts of interest within your team?”
- Each team gets 30 seconds to discuss and answer the question. The team with the most accurate and fair answer wins a point.
- The game can go on for as long as desired, and the team with the most points at the end wins.
After each question, facilitate a discussion about the different perspectives and potential solutions to the dilemma. Use this as an opportunity to reinforce moral principles and encourage critical thinking within your teams.
#7. The Integrity Maze
In this activity, teams tackle ethical challenges within a maze, showcasing the complexities of integrity-driven decision-making.
Time: 10-20 minutes
Materials: Maze setup, and challenge descriptions
Participants: 2-6 individuals per group
- Set up a maze, designating checkpoints where teams face ethical decisions.
Example challenge: “A project deadline is approaching, but key data is missing. Do you fabricate the data to meet the deadline?”
- Teams decide on their course of action with fair choices allowing them to progress.
- The maze continues until teams have navigated all challenges, emphasizing the iterative nature of ethical decision making.
Discuss the decisions made at each checkpoint, highlighting the reasoning behind ethical choices and the impact of integrity in professional settings. Encourage reflection on how teams approached each challenge and how they can apply these principles in their work.
#8. The Virtuous Hackathon
In this exercise, employees are encouraged to break the mold and think outside the box. Here teams innovate on solutions to industry-specific ethical dilemmas.
Time: You decide
Materials: None
Participants: Teams of 3-8 individuals
- Present teams with a real-world ethical dilemma relevant to your industry. For example, “How can we address data privacy concerns while still utilizing customer data for targeted marketing?”
- Give each team a designated amount of time to brainstorm and develop a solution.
- Teams present their solutions to you (the facilitator). Pick the best solution based on both creativity and moral considerations.
Facilitate a discussion on how ethics can drive innovation and positive change in your industry. Encourage teams to reflect on how their solutions addressed ethical concerns and how they can implement these principles in their work moving forward.
#9. Ethical Decision-Making Relay
This is a dynamic activity where teams engage in a series of puzzles, promoting ethical decision making in a competitive format.
Time: You decide
Materials: Ethical dilemma cards, and stopwatch
Participants: Teams of 3-6 members
- Distribute a set of ethical dilemma cards to each team, ensuring that each card presents a unique challenge that requires thoughtful decision making.
- Set the stopwatch and inform teams they will have a fixed amount of time to discuss and solve each dilemma before moving on to the next.
- After solving each dilemma, teams can signal you to present their solution. If correct, they receive the next dilemma card and continue the relay.
- The first team to successfully solve all dilemmas within the time limit wins.
Discuss the importance of making swift and fair decisions in stressful situations. Reflect on how the challenges faced in the relay mirror real-world scenarios and the impact of ethical decision-making on the business and society.
#10. The Virtue Vault
This exercise is not just about finding hidden treasures. It’s about discovering the real treasure within – our collective ethical compass. Here employees can deepen their understanding of the company’s core values and moral principles through teamwork.
Time: Flexible, based on setup
Materials: Clues relating to company values, treasure boxes, and rewards
Participants: Teams of 3-8 employees
- Hide clues throughout the workplace with each clue pointing towards a core value or moral principle of the company.
- Teams start with the first clue which leads them to the next, culminating in finding a treasure box representing the ‘Virtue Vault.’
- Inside the treasure box, there is a reward for the team.
Discuss how important it is to embody the company’s core values and moral principles in daily work. Encourage employees to share their thoughts on how they can continue to uphold these values and principles in the future.
Want Some Unique Leadership Development Activities?
If you want some unique activities to equip your employees with leadership skills, qualities, and mindset, you can get my new e-book:
Or Want Some Unique Team Building Activities?
If you want some unique activities for your employees (both in-person and virtual), you can get my new e-book:
Final Words
Implementing these activities within your organization can significantly enhance ethical leadership and foster a culture of integrity. Remember, ethical leadership is not about perfection; it’s about striving for excellence and making conscientious choices every day.