10 Conflict Resolution Activities for Your Workplace
Are you in search of some conflict resolution activities?
Conflicts are inevitable in the workplace. As a leader, you should properly manage and resolve conflicts among employees to create a positive work environment.
In this article, let’s see 10 conflict resolution team building activities that can use in your workplace.
Are Conflicts Good or Bad in an Organization?
It depends on how it is managed. When managed properly, conflicts can be a positive force that drives employees to think creatively and come up with better solutions. But if left unresolved, they can damage relationships, decrease productivity, and lead to a negative work environment.
10 Conflict Resolution Activities for Your Workplace
Here are 10 activities to help you manage and resolve conflicts in your workplace.
#1. Role Playing
In this activity, participants act out how they would resolve a given conflict in order to understand different perspectives.
Time: You decide
Materials: None
Participants: Minimum 2 members per group
• Give the groups a pre-selected conflict scenario and ask them to assume the roles of the conflicting parties.
• Ask the group members to discuss with each other and come up with a resolution for the conflict.
• Guide them through the discussion, if needed.
Figure out what each party learned from the role play. Also, discuss how this activity can help resolve future conflicts.
#2. Debate Game
In this game, teams engage in a debate and come up with the best resolution to a given conflict.
Time: You decide
Materials: None
Participants: Minimum 4 members per team
• Divide the team into two sub-teams and ask each team to take either side of an argument – conflict is good or bad.
• Give them a few minutes to plan their arguments.
• Ask both sub-teams to debate their points in turn.
• Let the discussion continue until both of them have discussed their points.
Discuss the pros and cons of each side’s arguments. Also, encourage the employees to come up with strategies to manage conflicts better in the future.
#3. Card Puzzle
This activity helps the employees to practice communication, negotiation, and conflict resolution.
Time: 10-20 minutes
Materials: Playing cards (one per team)
Participants: Need at least two teams of any size
• Give one playing card and a pair of scissors to each team. Ask them to cut the card into 8 pieces.
• Shuffle all the pieces and give 8 pieces to each team.
• Ask them to assemble those pieces and make a valid card.
• They won’t be able to complete the puzzle without negotiating with other teams. So, encourage them to do so.
Discuss how this activity helped the team practice communication, negotiation, and conflict resolution skills. Also, identify how they worked together to complete the puzzle and overcame challenges.
#4. Conflict Group
This activity is a great way to help participants understand the different aspects of conflict management and resolution.
Time: 10-20 minutes
Materials: None
Participants: Minimum 6 people in total
• Divide the participants into exactly three groups.
• Give each group a different topic regarding the conflict. For instance, the first group can get a topic on conflict analysis, the second one on resolving conflicts, and the third one on prevention of conflicts.
• Ask each group to come up with their own ideas about the topic. Then, let them share those ideas with the other groups.
Discuss how this activity helps the participants to understand the different aspects of conflict management and resolution. Talk about each group’s findings, what they learned, and any other relevant points related to the topic. Encourage them to be open-minded while discussing and to look at the issue from different perspectives.
#5. Team Mapping
This activity encourages employees to discuss their experiences of conflict management.
Time: 10-20 minutes
Materials: None
Participants: Any number of members in a team
• Instruct each team to form a circle.
• Each person can share a conflict situation they have faced and how they responded or reacted to it.
• The other team members should provide feedback on that reaction.
• Ask the teams to discuss what they noticed about how people responded to the situations. See any common themes that emerged as a result.
Talk about how each team member reacted in various conflict situations and what they learned from it. Plus, highlight the importance of communication and teamwork in managing conflicts.
#6. Mediation
This activity involves a team selecting a neutral mediator to facilitate discussion and guide them to a resolution.
Time: You decide
Materials: None
Participants: At least 3 members in a team
• Select a mediator from each team who will remain neutral throughout the process.
• Each team member should share a recent dispute they have faced and how they responded or reacted to it.
• The mediator should help each team member discuss the situation and brainstorm solutions.
• Then, they should facilitate a discussion to reach an amicable resolution.
Reflect on how effective communication can be a tool for resolving conflicts. Discuss whether the resolution reached was satisfactory for all the parties involved or not. Moreover, highlight the importance of compromise and collaboration in the workplace.
#7. Conflict Resolution Tree
This activity involves creating a visual representation of different elements of the conflict.
Time: You decide
Materials: Whiteboard or flipchart, and markers
Participants: At least 3 members in a team
• Create a tree diagram that represents the different elements of the conflict.
• Ask each team member to add a branch that illustrates their opinion.
• Discuss how they can work together to resolve the conflict.
Reflect on how various perspectives can contribute to understanding a situation more clearly. Moreover, encourage the employees to practice active listening in order to better understand each other.
#8. “I Message” Exercise
This activity involves using “I message” to resolve conflicts between team members.
Time: 10-20 minutes
Materials: Paper and pens
Participants: Groups of 3-6 members
• Each team member should write an “I message” expressing their feelings about the conflict. For example, “I feel frustrated when…”
• Ask each team member to read their message aloud.
• After each message, team members can discuss the feelings expressed and come up with solutions to handle that particular situation.
Discuss the importance of expressing one’s feelings in a constructive and respectful way. Plus, encourage the employees to practice empathy and active listening skills in the workplace.
#9. Empathy Walk
This activity encourages employees to practice empathy by taking turns walking around the office as if they were in someone else’s shoes.
Time: 10 minutes
Materials: None
Participants: Any number of people per group
• Instruct each employee to choose someone in the team and ‘walk’ around the office as if they were in that person’s shoes.
• Ask them to observe everything from that person’s perspective as they wander around the office.
• Have the employees then share their observations with the team.
Highlight the importance of building empathy in the workplace. Encourage employees to practice looking at things from different perspectives and understanding each other’s feelings.
#10. Dispute Words
This activity is a creative way to explore ideas on conflict and how to resolve it.
Time: 10-20 minutes
Materials: Paper slips
Participants: An even number of participants
• Write down some dispute and dispute resolution-related words on paper slips.
For example, dispute words can be aggression, stubbornness, tension, etc.
Similarly, dispute resolution words can be communication, compromise, cooperation, etc.
• Each participant picks up one paper slip.
• Those who got a ‘dispute word’ must pair up with someone who got a ‘dispute resolution word’.
• Each pair should explain why they joined the group and what word they got.
Discuss the importance of understanding conflict and finding ways to resolve it. Encourage participants to share their thoughts and experiences on how to handle disputes in a constructive way.
Want Unique Team Building Exercises?
If you want some unique team building activities for your employees, you can get my new e-book:
Or Want Some Unique Leadership Development Activities?
If you want some unique activities to equip your employees with leadership skills, qualities, and mindset, you can get my new e-book:
Final Words
Proper conflict management is necessary for creating a harmonious and productive work environment. This strengthens the bond between employees and allows collaboration on projects. Hopefully, the above conflict resolution activities help your teams cooperate well and foster a positive work culture.
FAQ: Conflict Resolution Activities
You might have these questions in mind.
What are conflict resolution activities?
Conflict resolution activities are interactive and engaging exercises that help teams learn the skills necessary to resolve disputes. These activities address various aspects of conflict management such as communication, active listening, understanding others’ perspectives, etc.
What are some good conflict resolution team building activities?
Some good activities are the debate game, the card puzzle, and role playing. These exercises help teams develop effective communication skills and learn how to engage in productive conversations while facing disagreements.
How do you resolve conflicts at the workplace?
The best way to resolve conflicts in the workplace is by communicating openly and honestly. Show respect to others, listen carefully, and express your point of view clearly. If needed, take a break and return to the discussion later with cooler heads.
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