How to Deal with Underperforming Employees? (12 Ideas)
Do you want to know how to deal with underperforming employees?
One of the many challenges every business leader faces is managing underperforming employees. It can be disheartening to see your company not achieving its full potential because of a few employees who are not performing up to the mark. However, before you decide to give them the pink slip, there are some strategies you can try.
In this article, let’s discuss 12 ideas for businesses on how to deal with underperforming employees. They can help you improve your employees’ performance and reach their full potential.
What is Underperformance in the Workplace?
Before we start, let’s understand what underperformance is. It simply means performance that is not up to the standards set by the organization.
Performance = Ability x Motivation
When you see the above equation, you can understand that good performance requires strong ability and great motivation. In other words, either lack of ability or low motivation can lead to underperformance. As a business leader, it’s your responsibility to identify the root cause and address it accordingly.
Causes of Underperformance in the Workplace
There can be various reasons for underperformance, such as:
Lack of skills or knowledge: Sometimes, employees may not have the necessary skills or knowledge to perform their tasks effectively. This can lead to mistakes and lower productivity.
Lack of clarity: If employees are unclear about their roles and responsibilities, they may struggle to meet expectations, leading to underperformance.
Poor work environment: A toxic work culture or a negative relationship with colleagues can also affect an employee’s performance.
Personal problems: Employees may have personal issues that are impacting their focus and motivation at work.
Insufficient resources or support: If an employee doesn’t have the necessary resources or support to carry out their tasks, they may struggle to perform well.
Burnout or fatigue: Overworked employees may experience burnout, leading to a decrease in productivity and quality of work.
How to Deal with Underperforming Employees?
Here are some ideas on how to deal with underperforming employees.
#1. Observe Your Employees
Pay attention to patterns in behavior and performance over time to spot inconsistencies. Look for signs of disengagement, reduced productivity, or changes in attitude. Avoid jumping to conclusions and gather as much context as possible.
Observing your employees closely can help uncover potential challenges they may be facing. This insight allows you to better support them and create a plan for improvement.
#2. Listen to What They Say
Many business owners and managers never care about what their staff want to say. Just listen to your employees without judgment. Trust me, if you spend several minutes of your time on this, you can reap long-lasting benefits.
In most cases, underperformance occurs due to simple reasons that can be easily taken care of. However, there are also things that are beyond our control. Ask your employees what’s bothering them. You may discover some underlying personal or professional issues that are affecting their performance.
#3. Identify the Root Cause
Usually, performance is measured with the help of results achieved. More sales, a high percentage of repeat clients, increased customer satisfaction, etc. are the results a company wants to achieve. Understand the contributions of each team and how they impacted the overall outcome.
Once these details are analyzed, you can identify the issue that prevents a team from performing well. Then, dig deep to understand the root cause of the issue and try to find a solution. Sometimes, it could be a lack of resources or poor communication that is hindering their performance. Address these issues to improve the overall team performance.
#4. Provide Proper Training and Support
Make sure that you’re giving proper training to all your employees clearly stating your terms regarding performance. Don’t just stick to verbal discussions; you should maintain proper documentation for everything you do.
Giving appropriate training can help your team members develop their skills and knowledge. Additionally, this will help them a lot to build their career and also help your organization in a positive manner.
#5. Realize What Motivates Your Team
Studies have shown that lack of motivation can lead to underperformance. So you, as a business leader, need to realize what makes your team of employees motivated. Are they not getting support from their team members or management? Also, are they feeling unappreciated or unrecognized? How about the wages or benefits?
Realizing these factors and addressing them accordingly can help improve motivation levels within your team. Well, this is a difficult task to deal with. However, if you manage to realize what motivates your team, you’ll certainly get better results.
#6. Set SMART Performance Goals
Do you set SMART performance goals for your teams? SMART means Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. These types of goals provide a clear direction for employees to follow.
This is an important task when dealing with an underperforming team. Create individual performance targets for each person. Ask your team members how they want to improve, what new skills they would like to learn, and what they want to achieve. Once you’re clear with this, set SMART performance goals for every team.
#7. Establish a Follow-Up Process
Once performance goals have been decided, you need to consistently monitor your team’s progress. Good communication is needed here. If a team is asked to finish a task within a certain time frame, make sure that they have achieved it. Then, compare the results achieved by the team members with the expected results.
If there are any deviations, then corrective actions should be taken. Establishing a follow-up process makes your employees believe that you’re concerned about their work. This can gradually boost your company’s culture and morale.
#8. Appreciate and Reward
Some leaders ask their employees to improve but fail to appreciate or reward them for their efforts. Eventually, this creates an unfriendly relationship between employees and management. Think wisely. Employees are humans, and they want to be appreciated for the hard work they put on.
Make sure that you appreciate your employees even if they make a small improvement. Rewards in the form of a financial incentive or responsibility might work well. Sometimes, a simple mention like “great job”, “thank you” or “well done” can also help!
#9. Encourage a Positive Work Environment
A positive work environment fosters collaboration, motivation, and respect among team members. It begins with open communication, where everyone feels heard and valued. Encourage team-building activities, celebrate accomplishments together, and promote a healthy work-life balance.
Creating a positive work environment can go a long way in improving employee morale and ultimately their performance. It also creates a supportive culture where employees feel comfortable discussing any challenges they may be facing.
#10. Be Consistent
Consistency is crucial when dealing with underperforming employees. Stick to the established processes and follow through on consequences if performance does not improve. This shows that you take performance seriously and creates accountability within your team.
It also sets a standard for all employees and ensures that everyone is treated fairly. By being consistent, you can create a sense of trust and reliability within your team, which can positively impact their performance in the long run.
#11. Formal Actions from the Management
The underperformance of a team can also happen due to the procrastination or bad conduct of several members. This can probably make the hardworking members disengaged and subsequently affect the overall performance of the team.
If an employee or a team continues to underperform, the manager should formally deal with this attitude. This lets every employee know that the management is serious and never tolerates anything against the company’s culture or group dynamics.
#12. Know the Perfect Time to Say Goodbye
Sadly, there are occasions when several employees underperform continuously despite the best support you give them. No business leaders want to have a poor quality of work and customer dissatisfaction. Retaining bad performers can probably delay or even decline your company’s success.
It is hard to let someone go from a company, so consider it as a last resort. Leaving out someone who is consistently underperforming and appointing someone better is necessary on several occasions. In the long run, you’ll realize it was the right decision.
Want Some Unique Leadership Development Activities?
If you want some unique activities to equip your employees with leadership skills, qualities, and mindset, you can get my new e-book:
Or Want Some Unique Team Building Activities?
If you want some unique activities for your employees (both in-person and virtual), you can get my new e-book:
Final Words
Managing an underperforming team is not easy but it’s also not impossible. It requires patience, effort, and support from the management to help employees improve their performance. By following these steps, you can create a positive work environment that will benefit both the employees and the company in the long run. Remember, every person has something valuable to contribute, and it’s our job as leaders to help them reach their full potential.
FAQ: How to Deal with Underperforming Employees?
You might have these questions in mind.
How do I know if my team is underperforming?
Signs of an underperforming team can include missed deadlines, low quality work, lack of motivation, and poor communication. It’s important to regularly monitor progress and communicate with team members to identify any issues.
What to do if the underperformance is due to disengagement within the group?
In this case, it’s important to address the root cause of the disengagement. This could involve addressing any underlying issues within the team, creating a more positive work environment, or providing training and development opportunities for team members.
How can I motivate my team to perform better?
Motivation can come from a variety of factors, such as recognition, appreciation, support, and fair compensation. It’s important to understand what motivates each individual team member and address those needs accordingly. Providing clear goals and establishing a follow-up process can also help improve motivation levels.
What if an employee continues to underperform despite efforts to support them?
In some cases, it may be necessary for a leader to take formal actions, such as setting up a performance improvement plan or even letting the employee go, if they continue to underperform despite adequate support and guidance. It’s important for leaders to balance empathy with accountability in these situations.
Is it necessary to let go of underperforming employees?
In some cases, letting go of an underperforming employee may be necessary for the overall success of the company. However, it’s important to first provide support and opportunities for improvement before resorting to termination. Every situation is unique and should be handled carefully. Overall, the goal should be to help employees improve and contribute positively to the team’s success.